High standards of quality and professionalism are our business card. We recommend a rich portfolio of satisfied customers, both from the country and from abroad, along with the status of a reliable partner.
The parts we offer are original and are imported from Germany, Italy, France, respecting TUV standards, and our qualified and specialized staff is able to solve any problem in terms of manual gearboxes and transmission subassemblies.
Because we always have a large stock of spare parts for most types of manual gearboxes and due to the experience gained over the years, we allow ourselves to perform a gearbox repair even in an hour, but not more than a working day!
If the cost of repairing a gearbox exceeds the value of a used gearbox, we can offer our customers almost any type of manual gearbox in our own stock. We permanently have in stock over 100 gearboxes of different types and car brands.
Depending on the work performed on a gearbox or transmission subassembly, we offer a minimum warranty of 6 months with no mileage limit.
We are happy to answer questions about manual gearboxes and make findings without extra cost!
The only working point where we operate is in Gilau, Farm no. 8, Hall no. 16, Cluj County.
We are not responsible for the work done by beginners, who pretend to be specialists!